Order Status

Checking Order Status

To check the status of your order, click here to log into your account.
Please read through the important points below for information that may impact the status of your order.

Order Processing Times

Domestic and international orders for in-stock items are processed and shipped within 1-3 business days, pending thorough verification of the order, and unless otherwise notified. You will receive the tracking number for your order once it has been shipped.

Order Verification

All orders are subject to a thorough verification process. Please ensure that the contact information listed in your order is accurate and adequate to get in touch with you via email or telephone. Some orders will require further information to complete the verification and you may be contacted for additional confirmation before the order ships out to you. In the event that you are contacted via phone or email and a response is not received within 7 business days, your order will be canceled.

Shipping Times

Your order will be shipped out via your requested method. You may view more information regarding shipping times here.

Order Status Questions

For any further questions, you may contact us.